R.J.C. Evans & Co has over 90 years of experience in helping clients to create and build wealth. In the same way, we can help you do likewise. Our qualified financial planning team are on hand to guide you in your journey and are focussed on building, protecting, investing and managing your wealth.
We are a member of the Paragem Financial Advisor network. Our team has access to exclusive tools and support, which will ensure you reach your financial goals.

R.J.C. Evans & Co Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN: 88 109 612 142) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (ASIC 278273) of Paragem Pty Ltd (ABN: 16 108 571 875) Australian Financial Services Licence: 297276.

The information on this site is not advice and is intended to provide general information only. It does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or personal circumstances.

Gerrit Lombard leads our Financial Planning team, and we help you in the following:

  • Wealth accumulation: Budgeting and saving are the beginnings of wealth creation. Gerrit will help you strategise ways to grow your wealth. This will include discussions on salary packaging and gearing/borrowing techniques.
  • Investment advice & management: This includes discussions around investing. Whether it be in managed funds, direct shares, cash products or annuities
  • SMSF advice and strategies: Our team gives high level advice in this area, and we centralise on strategies that manage your retirement assets. This will help you achieve your desired retirement lifestyle.
  • Superannuation and retirement planning: This includes super roll-overs, contribution advice, and income streams.
  • Personal Insurance: At RJC Evans & Co, we ensure you are always protected because we know how much you treasure your loved ones. As a result, we plan for the unforeseen and unlikely event of death, disability, or illness.
  • Welfare entitlements: We assist clients in maximising any government benefits. This may include Centrelink and Veterans Affairs.