Listed below are the services we offer. This list is by no means exhaustive, and our team of friendly staff are more than happy to talk about any services not listed here that you might require.

Financial and Accounting Services

We can provide a wide range of accounting services for your business – whether it be a small, large, rural or city enterprise. Our aim is to provide accounting and taxation services at a cost you can afford.

Modern business requires up-to-date, accurate financial information. We can relieve you and your staff of the enormous burden of all your bookkeeping and accounting needs, including preparation of your annual accounts and periodic management accounts for tax, business appraisal, and planning purposes.

We will discuss your requirements with you and provide information relevant to your particular situation, as well as constructive advice, on a regular basis.

We can offer you a number of services including:

  • the preparation of financial statements on a monthly/quarterly/annual or “as needs” basis
  • the preparation of taxation returns for individuals through to large corporations
  • advising you on GST processing and the preparation and assistance with the BAS statement
  • advising you on statutory requirements such as fringe benefits tax returns, capital gains schedules etc.
  • asset protection
  • estate planning

At RJC Evans & Co we have trained bookkeepers on hand should you and your business wish to outsource this necessary yet often unappealing task. Having your bookkeeper and accountant working so closely together often results in not only efficiencies but new ideas and strategies to benefit your business.

Company legislation requires businesses to perform several administration tasks that take up a lot of valuable company time. The last thing you need as a business owner is to be stressed out trying to ensure you comply with the Corporations Law. The possible threat of penalties for failing to keep up with the changing rules is too great a risk to take.

At RJC Evans & Co we can relieve this burden for you. The services we offer include:

  • General advice on company law
  • Company formations
  • Filing annual returns on your behalf
  • Preparing all documentation related to minutes and resolutions
  • Maintaining statutory books
  • Assistance with changes of directors, shareholders, addresses, and office details
  • Bonus issues
  • Share transfers
  • Registered office facility

Please contact us for further information on how we can help you get back to running your business.

Farm accounting involves specific business, financial, and taxation issues, and a specialist understanding of the industry. At RJC Evans & Co we keep abreast of the developments in both the farming and accounting industries, ensuring we are uniquely placed to provide up-to-date accurate advice.

The services we offer include:

  • Farm budgeting and cash flows
  • Farm sales and purchases
  • Ownership structures
  • Preparation of financial statements
  • Taxation
  • Seasonal planning
R.J.C. Evans & Co has over 90 years of experience in helping clients to create and build wealth. In the same way, we can help you do likewise. Our qualified financial planning team are on hand to guide you in your journey and are focussed on building, protecting, investing and managing your wealth.

We are a member of the Paragem Financial Advisor network. Our team has access to exclusive tools and support, which will ensure you reach your financial goals.

Gerrit Lombard leads our Financial Planning team, and we help you in the following:

  • Wealth accumulation: Budgeting and saving are the beginnings of wealth creation. Gerrit will help you strategise ways to grow your wealth. This will include discussions on salary packaging and gearing/borrowing techniques.
  • Investment advice & management: This includes discussions around investing. Whether it be in managed funds, direct shares, cash products or annuities
  • SMSF advice and strategies: Our team gives high level advice in this area, and we centralise on strategies that manage your retirement assets. This will help you achieve your desired retirement lifestyle.
  • Superannuation and retirement planning: This includes super roll-overs, contribution advice, and income streams.
  • Personal Insurance: At RJC Evans & Co, we ensure you are always protected because we know how much you treasure your loved ones. As a result, we plan for the unforeseen and unlikely event of death, disability, or illness.
  • Welfare entitlements: We assist clients in maximising any government benefits. This may include Centrelink and Veterans Affairs.

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Paragem Financial Services Guide (Part 2)

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Paragem’s Complaints Process

R.J.C. Evans & Co Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN: 88 109 612 142) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (ASIC 278273) of Paragem Pty Ltd (ABN: 16 108 571 875) Australian Financial Services Licence: 297276.

The information on this site is not advice and is intended to provide general information only. It does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or personal circumstances.

Forensic accounting is the use of accounting techniques to assess the financial implications of legal disputes. In a dispute over money, it is imperative to obtain accurate and timely advice.

At RJC Evans & Co we offer assistance in legal disputes to swiftly make those headaches over money disappear. Often with our intervention, the dispute can be settled without a court action. However, in the event that court action is required, we can provide the information and documentation required for your case, and act as an expert witness in court.

All our specialists have a sound understanding of legal concepts and procedures with the firm having over 100 years of experience in the field. Please contact our office for guidance on this treacherous area of accountancy.

With the advent of Single Touch Payroll (STP), timely and accurate payroll reporting is no longer just important but also a legal requirement. Whether your business has hundreds of employees, or simply engages a few seasonal workers on an ad hoc basis, we have the experts and tools to ensure your business complies with employer obligations and STP requirements.

Our services include the following:

  • Calculate and maintain leave entitlement records
  • Maintaining employee records
  • Preparation and lodgement of Activity Statements, Superannuation Guarantee Reports and ReturntoWorkSA reports
  • Processing and lodging pay runs/slips
  • Provide guidance and training on using payroll systems
  • Reconciliation and lodgement of Annual STP finalisation
  • Reconciliation and lodgement of Taxable Payments Annual Reports (TPAR)
  • Setting up payroll systems

Whether your business is mandated to report on carbon emissions, your customers/suppliers require it, or you simply want to assess your carbon footprint, our team is able to assist you with:

  • Understanding carbon reporting, and the varying levels/scopes
  • Understanding your reporting obligations
  • Accounting for you carbon emissions
  • Setup of systems and processes to assist with accounting and reporting

Business Advice

RJC Evans & Co has over 100 years of being the trusted advisor and sounding board to generations of business owners and family members in assisting them grow their wealth. With growing businesses and families, and the frequency of both being more intertwined than ever, a formal advisory board has become more common. The principals at RJC Evans & Co are uniquely positioned to draw on their experience, expertise and insights to provide this service, both formally and informally.

Having an advisory board, and involving RJC Evans & Co, can offer your business and/or family the following;

  • An informed alternate view and opinion on strategic matters
  • Industry and commercial insights
  • Connections to other experts
  • Ensure all stakeholders and board members are on the same page
  • Align strategic plant with estate/succession plans
  • Guidance on financing and risk management

There is a wide range of financing options available, all with their pros and cons. At RJC Evans & Co we know the financial market, have the experience and have the networks to assist you in securing the best financing option for your personal and business goals. Our experience in the market means we can also structure debt to maximise tax advantages.

Let our experienced team explore the best financing options with you to get your business closer to its goals!

Have you ever wondered how your business performs compared to your competitors? What is their average bottom line? Are you spending enough on advertising? Are you paying too much rent? Are your staff costs too high? Surviving in today’s business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business than in it.

We can provide you with accurate, timely, informative benchmarking reports that enable you to:

  • See how your business compares to your competitors
  • Understand more about how the rest of your industry works
  • Analyse the key performance indicators in your industry
  • Equipped with this information, we’ll work with you to develop action strategies that improve your bottom line.

A good budget is a necessity in a good business plan. It is one of the best business tools you can have, enabling you to set financial targets and measure your performance.

In addition to goal-setting value, budgets will often improve your chances of acquiring funding. Financiers often require budgets as a prerequisite for funding approval.

The techniques we utilise to form financial projections enable you to consider future scenarios and provide you with goals to strive for in your business. There are many types of budgets. We can help you design the right budget for your requirements.

Let us show you how a budget can provide feedback that helps you prepare for the future of your business!

Selling a business can be a difficult and disheartening time. The tasks involved can seem particularly arduous and at RJC Evans & Co we take the unwanted burden from you.

The services we provide for preparing to sell a business include:

  • Obtaining comparative results
  • Establishing a realistic sale price
  • Taking the business to the market
  • Negotiating with potential purchasers
  • Drafting a contract

Our friendly, professional team will help you obtain a maximum return for your business.

Are you holding too much inventory? Is this the right time to expand your business? Are you going to have enough cash to pay all your expenses every month? Surviving in today’s business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business than in it.

We can provide you with accurate, timely, informative cash flow forecasting reports that enable you to:

  • Realise and understand when cash is available
  • Plan and prepare for expansion, stock control, and taxes
  • Analyse and anticipate key expenses

Equipped with this information, we’ll work with you to develop action strategies that improve your bottom line.

Tracking cashflow and continually monitoring financial performance is a common feature of successful businesses. In big business, this is the job of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), however, this role is often overlooked in small to medium businesses. The team at RJC Evans & Co have the experience and skills to fill this gap to ensure business owners and decision makers have the timely and accurate financial information required to make informed decisions.

By first gaining an understanding of the business, its stakeholders and strategic goals, this service can be provided on an ad-hoc basis, or an ongoing engagement facilitated by setting up the appropriate systems, procedures and policies to ensure it is done efficiently.

Complimented by other services provided by RJC Evans & Co, our CFO service can assist with the following and more:

  • Budgeting, cashflow, “three way” forecasting
  • Regular management, accounting and reporting
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) implementation and monitoring
  • Risk management
  • Dashboard reporting & data analytics
  • Financial modelling
  • Payroll and human resourcing guidance

A decent accounting system will help you keep track of your cash flow, adhere to compliance obligations and provide the necessary information to aid decision making. Choosing the right system for your business can be difficult as there are over sixty different accounting packages available in Australia.

At RJC Evans & Co we invest considerable resources in ongoing staff training to ensure we keep abreast of and can recommend the best accounting software solution for your business.

Let us help you make the right choice of accounting software!

Our aim is to ensure your business achieves the potential it is capable of. We have the know-how and experience to offer advice that helps you run your business more effectively.

We are practiced in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing years of experience in business growth to the relationship. We can identify key performance indicators in your business, through which you will see positive changes occurring with the help of our professional consultants.

We check that your business is as competitive, focused, and profitable as it can be, then offer flexible strategies designed to address the issues affecting your business.

Let us give your business a health check! Take the practical advice we can provide to ensure the ongoing success of your venture.

Business planning involves many different facets, and no two clients’ needs are the same.

At RJC Evans & Co your individual needs are determined by a highly experienced principal of the firm. Together we reach your goals.

We can offer you a number of business planning services including:

  • Budgeting and cash flow analysis
  • Taxation planning
  • Assistance with finance proposals, including bank applications, equipment and motor vehicle finance
  • Future personal planning for your business, including advice on Will preparation and the establishment of trusts and companies
  • Advice on the best business structure for your company, partnership or trust

Taxation Services

The GST system is a complex and confusing one. Consequently RJC Evans & Co ensures our team remains up-to-date with any changes, enabling us to offer you accurate advice.

Every transaction has an associated GST issue. We are experienced in these issues and can offer expert advice on the GST implications for your business. The GST-related services we offer include, but are not limited to:

  • Advice on registering for GST
  • Filing and adjusting GST returns
  • ATO audit assistance

Whether it be a small individual tax return, or a complicated structure involving entities, RJC Evans & Co can prepare and lodge your returns at a cost you can afford.

With the help of industry leading computer systems any type of return (including Fringe Benefit Tax Returns), for any type of entity can be lodged accurately and efficiently.

No one likes paying more tax than they have to and our team of professionals pride themselves on ensuring our clients do not. Whether you be a simple individual taxpayer, or a large multi-national business, the team at RJC Evans & Co have the expertise to minimise your tax bill.

The tax landscape is constantly changing. Thanks to our training and professional development regime, our team is kept abreast of any and all tax saving opportunities available to our wide range of clients. You can look to RJC Evans & Co for advice of any of the following strategies and more:

  • Family Trusts
  • Investment Companies
  • Negative Gearing
  • Salary Sacrificing
  • Small Business CGT Concessions
  • Superannuation
  • Tax Offsets and Rebates

Strategic Planning

Getting the right advice and structures in place can mean your hard earned business and personal assets are protected from unforeseen circumstances. With the increase in asset values and litigation, the correct advice has become more important than ever.

The team at RJC Evans & Co have the expertise to ensure you have the appropriate protection in place.

Charitable trusts are set up to hold money or assets and carry out activities for the benefit of the community. Five main types of charitable trusts exist in Australia:

  • Australian charitable trust
  • General charitable trust
  • Prescribed charitable trust
  • Deductible gift recipient
  • Prescribed private fund

Each type of charitable trust brings with it different requirements and benefits. At RJC Evans & Co we know the practicalities of the charitable trusts and so are able to assist you by:

  • Preparing the trust deed
  • Applying to the ATO for an ABN
  • Organising tax exemptions where applicable

Most importantly, our experience enables us to ensure your trust is used to effectively reach your charitable goals.

As unpleasant as the task is, estate planning is one of the necessities of life. Knowing your hard-earned assets will be dealt with in the manner you choose provides peace of mind.
For business owners, a plan for succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the process of providing for business continuity.

The executor and trustee of a will are required to perform a number of duties. At RJC Evans & Co we are experienced in estate planning and can guarantee no deviation from the succession plan for your assets.

The areas in estate administration that we can assist with include:

  • Meeting to discuss objectives for your estate
  • Confirming asset valuations, inventories and appraisals
  • Court approval for a grant of administration
  • Documentation involved in estate planning
  • Protecting the assets
  • Paying taxes and debts
  • Estate distribution

Growing families with growing wealth are often faced with growing complexity. At RJC Evans & Co we have years of experience assisting families manage, grow and pass on their wealth; all under one roof. We take the time to understand the dynamics of each family and its members, all of which have differing priorities and issues to consider. We appreciate trust, confidence and confidentiality is paramount in providing this support.

We have found that families will generally need to consider the following, of which our team is readily able to assist with;

  • Asset protection and risk management
  • Educating family members
  • Estate & succession planning
  • Mail and filing service
  • Managing banking and finance relationships
  • Philanthropy and charitable giving
  • RJC Evans & Co Financial Planning services:
    • Financial planning
    • Investment advice and management
    • Personal insurances
    • Retirement planning
  • Structuring and accounting for overseas investments
  • Tax advice (inc. income, capital gains, GST, stamp duty, superannuation death benefit)

At RJC Evans & Co we have the expertise required to assist you in a variety of areas relating to residential and commercial property.

The services we offer include:

  • Advice on purchasing a property
  • Reviews of lease agreements
  • Advice on funding
  • Guidance in tax minimisation
  • Advice on ownership structure
  • Periodic reviews to ensure returns are maximised

The importance of forecasts in making a residential investment cannot be emphasised enough. We can provide you with forecasts for:

  • Revenue returns
  • Financial position
  • Potential growth

Contact us today for more information on how we can assist you with your rentals.

To ensure the long-term success of your business, it is critical to establish a well-designed succession plan. Coordinating the transition of your business to your successors can be an arduous process. However with our years of experience, we can address the complex issues of business continuation, removing the stress from your shoulders.
Contact us for more information on forming a plan that facilitates a hassle-free continuation of your business!

A trust provides a valuable way to protect the assets you have accumulated for the benefit of others. Our extensive experience with trusts enables us to offer specialist advice on trust formation and ensures all statutory requirements are met. Obligations for trustees can often be onerous, and our assistance in trust administration can prove invaluable.

The services we offer include:

  • Preparing and executing the vital documentation required for trust formation
  • Attending to the special requirements involved in reporting for trusts
  • Completing the trust administration:
    • Minute-keeping service
    • Annual accounts
    • Taxation
    • Asset management
    • Investment monitoring
    • Income distribution

Contact us today to ensure your trust is formed and administered as effectively as possible, covering all legal requirements and guaranteed to fulfill its purpose!

Am I getting the best price for the sale of my business? Is the asking price too much? An independent valuation provides you with answers to the questions you often need to ask about the value of a business or property.

We are trained and experienced in business valuations and can provide you with simple guidelines and formulas to determine the value of your business or property. We can also appear in court or for arbitration as expert witnesses in relation to business valuations.

Choose RJC Evans & Co for a professional, accurate valuation service!

Superannuation Services

Managing and running a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund can be arduous task. Given the significant benefits with Self-Managed Superannuation there are strict regulations that must be abided by. The team at RJC Evans & Co can relieve this burden to ensure the fund complies whilst you concentrate on your retirement goals.

The services we offer include:

  • Annual superannuation audit
  • Assistance with Investment Strategies and Trustee Resolutions
  • Facilitate rollovers
  • Monitoring for potential regulatory breaches
  • Preparation and lodgement of Annual Return
  • Preparation of Financial Accounts and Member Statements
  • Record keeping
  • SuperStream compliance
  • Transfer Balance Account Reporting

CLICK HERE for our Financial Services Guide which covers the services provided by our firm under our Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 482656).

Since the 1990s, we have been providing advice in relation to Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) to our clients as part of the suite of services available. Our commitment to help our clients grow their wealth, has been backed up by the extensive additional financial planning study and qualifications the principals of this firm have obtained along the way.

As a result of legislative changes effective 1st of July 2016, RJC Evans & Co Pty Ltd became authorised to provide personalised advice on Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) via our own ASIC Limited Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL number 482656). As we have our own licence, we are not part of or beholden to a large licensee.

We are one of the few accounting firms in Australia who have been granted such a licence, which enables us to provide personalised advice to self-directed investors, as well as those with external investment advisors/brokers, rather than simply attend to SMSF administration.

As the Government encourages Australians to take responsibility for and reach their financial retirement goals, citizens are repeatedly required to deal with superannuation funds. Self-managed superannuation is a means of saving for retirement. It enables you to control your investment strategy, reduce tax while obtaining tax benefits and control administration costs.

Superannuation law is a delicate area and personalised planning is required for each individual. The authorised representatives at RJC Evans & Co are superannuation experts who can assist in establishing a superannuation fund that will effectively enable you to reach your financial retirement goals.

The services we offer include:

  • Establishing Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
  • Completing information for the Insurance and Superannuation Commissions
  • Advice on taxation benefits
  • Advice on employer obligations
  • Advice on contribution and withdrawal strategies
  • Advice on superannuation estate/succession planning
  • Advice on limited recourse borrowing arrangements
  • Purchasing and structuring of investment purchases
Financial and Accounting Services ▼
Accounting and Financial Accounts Preparation
Financial Planning
Farm Accounting
Farm accounting involves specific business, financial, and taxation issues, and a specialist understanding of the industry. At RJC Evans & Co we keep abreast of the developments in both the farming and accounting industries, ensuring we are uniquely placed to provide up-to-date accurate advice. The services we offer include:
  • Farm budgeting and cash flows
  • Farm sales and purchases
  • Ownership structures
  • Preparation of financial statements
  • Taxation
  • Seasonal planning
  • Succession planning
At RJC Evans & Co we have trained bookkeepers on hand should you and your business wish to outsource this necessary yet often unappealing task. Having your bookkeeper and accountant working so closely together often results in not only efficiencies but new ideas and strategies to benefit your business.
Company Secretarial Services
Company legislation requires businesses to perform several administration tasks that take up a lot of valuable company time. The last thing you need as a business owner is to be stressed out trying to ensure you comply with the Corporations Law. The possible threat of penalties for failing to keep up with the changing rules is too great a risk to take. At RJC Evans & Co we can relieve this burden for you. The services we offer include:
  • General advice on company law
  • Company formations
  • Filing annual returns on your behalf
  • Preparing all documentation related to minutes and resolutions
  • Maintaining statutory books
  • Assistance with changes of directors, shareholders, addresses, and office details
  • Bonus issues
  • Share transfers
  • Registered office facility
Please contact us for further information on how we can help you get back to running your business.
Forensic Accounting
Forensic accounting is the use of accounting techniques to assess the financial implications of legal disputes. In a dispute over money, it is imperative to obtain accurate and timely advice.

At RJC Evans & Co we offer assistance in legal disputes to swiftly make those headaches over money disappear. Often with our intervention, the dispute can be settled without a court action. However, in the event that court action is required, we can provide the information and documentation required for your case, and act as an expert witness in court.

All our specialists have a sound understanding of legal concepts and procedures with the firm having over 100 years of experience in the field. Please contact our office for guidance on this treacherous area of accountancy.

Payroll Reporting
With the advent of Single Touch Payroll (STP), timely and accurate payroll reporting is no longer just important but also a legal requirement. Whether your business has hundreds of employees, or simply engages a few seasonal workers on an ad hoc basis, we have the experts and tools to ensure your business complies with employer obligations and STP requirements. Our services include the following:
  • Calculate and maintain leave entitlements records
  • Maintaining employee records
  • Preparation and lodgement of Activity Statements, Superannuation Guarantee Reports and ReturntoWorkSA reports
  • Processing and lodging pay runs/slips
  • Provide guidance and training on using payroll systems
  • Reconciliation and lodgement of Annual STP finalisation
  • Reconciliation and lodgement of Taxable Payments Annual Reports (TPAR)
  • Setting up payroll systems
Business Advice ▼
Have you ever wondered how your business performs compared to your competitors? What is their average bottom line? Are you spending enough on advertising? Are you paying too much rent? Are your staff costs too high? Surviving in today’s business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business than in it. We can provide you with accurate, timely, informative benchmarking reports that enable you to:
  • See how your business compares to your competitors and industry standards
  • Understand more about how the rest of your industry works
  • Analyse the key performance indicators in your industry
  • Equipped with this information, we’ll work with you to develop action strategies that improve your bottom line.
A good budget is a necessity in a good business plan. It is one of the best business tools you can have, enabling you to set financial targets and measure your performance.

In addition to goal-setting value, budgets will often improve your chances of acquiring funding. Financiers often require budgets as a prerequisite for funding approval.

The techniques we utilise to form financial projections enable you to consider future scenarios and provide you with goals to strive for in your business. There are many types of budgets. We can help you design the right budget for your requirements.

Let us show you how a budget can provide feedback that helps you prepare for the future of your business!

Cash Flow Forecasting
Are you holding too much inventory? Is this the right time to expand your business? Are you going to have enough cash to pay all your expenses every month? Surviving in today’s business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business than in it.

We can provide you with accurate, timely, informative cash flow forecasting reports that enable you to:
  • Realise and understand when cash is available
  • Plan and prepare for expansion, stock control, and taxes
  • Analyse and anticipate key expenses
  • Equipped with this information, we’ll work with you to develop action strategies that improve your bottom line.
Management Advice
Our aim is to ensure your business achieves the potential it is capable of. We have the know-how and experience to offer advice that helps you run your business more effectively.

We are practiced in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing years of experience in business growth to the relationship. We can identify key performance indicators in your business, through which you will see positive changes occurring with the help of our professional consultants.

We check that your business is as competitive, focused, and profitable as it can be, then offer flexible strategies designed to address the issues affecting your business.

Let us give your business a health check! Take the practical advice we can provide to ensure the ongoing success of your venture.

New Business Assessments
Business planning involves many different facets, and no two clients’ needs are the same.

At RJC Evans & Co your individual needs are determined by a highly experienced principal of the firm. Together we reach your goals.

We can offer you a number of Business Planning services including:
  • Budgeting and cash flow analysis
  • Taxation planning
  • Assistance with finance proposals, including bank applications, equipment and motor vehicle finance
  • Future personal planning for your business, including advice on Will preparation and the establishment of trusts and companies
  • Advice on the best business structure for your company, partnership or trust
Business & Asset Sale Advice
Selling a business can be a difficult and disheartening time. The tasks involved can seem particularly arduous and at RJC Evans & Co we take the unwanted burden from you. The services we provide for preparing to sell a business include:
  • Obtaining comparative results
  • Establishing a realistic sale price
  • Taking the business to the market
  • Negotiating with potential purchasers
  • Drafting a contract
Our friendly, professional team will help you obtain a maximum return for your business.
Computer Hardware & Software Recommendations
A decent accounting system will help you keep track of your cash flow, adhere to compliance obligations and provide the necessary information to aid decision making. Choosing the right system for your business can be difficult as there are over sixty different accounting packages available in Australia.

At RJC Evans & Co we invest considerable resources in ongoing staff training to ensure we keep abreast of and can recommend the best accounting software solution for your business.

Let us help you make the right choice of accounting software!
Assistance with Finance
There is a wide range of financing options available, all with their pros and cons. At RJC Evans & Co we know the financial market, have the experience and have the networks to assist you in securing the best financing option for your personal and business goals. Our experience in the market means we can also structure debt to maximise tax advantages.

Let our experienced team explore the best financing options with you to get your business closer to its goals!
CFO Services
Tracking cashflow and continually monitoring financial performance is a common feature of successful businesses. In big business, this is the job of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), however, this role is often overlooked in small to medium businesses. The team at RJC Evans & Co have the experience and skills to fill this gap to ensure business owners and decision makers have the timely and accurate financial information required to make informed decisions.

By first gaining an understanding of the business, its stakeholders and strategic goals, this service can be provided on an ad-hoc basis, or an ongoing engagement facilitated by setting up the appropriate systems, procedures and policies to ensure it is done efficiently.
Complimented by other services provided by RJC Evans & Co, our CFO service can assist with the following and more:
  • Budgeting, cashflow, “three way” forecasting
  • Regularly management accounting and reporting
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) implementation and monitoring
  • Risk management
  • Dashboard reporting & data analytics
  • Financial modelling
  • Payroll and human resourcing guidance
Advisory Board Services
RJC Evans & Co has over 100 years of being the trusted advisor and sounding board to generations of business owners and family members in assisting them grow their wealth. With growing businesses and families, and the frequency of both being more intertwined than ever, a formal advisory board has become more common. The principals at RJC Evans & Co are uniquely positioned to draw on their experience, expertise and insights to provide this service, both formally and informally.

Having an advisory board, and involving RJC Evans & Co, can offer your business and/or family the following:
  • An informed alternate view and opinion on strategic matters
  • Industry and commercial insights
  • Connections to other experts
  • Ensure all stakeholders and board members are on the same page
  • Align strategic plant with estate/succession plans
  • Guidance on financing and risk management
Taxation Services ▼
Preparation of Taxation Returns
Whether it be a small individual tax return, or a complicated structure involving entities, RJC Evans & Co can prepare and lodge your returns at a cost you can afford.

With the help of industry leading computer systems any type of return (including Fringe Benefit Tax Returns), for any type of entity can be lodged accurately and efficiently.
GST Advice & BAS Preparation
The GST system is a complex and confusing one. Consequently RJC Evans & Co ensures our team remains up-to-date with any changes, enabling us to offer you accurate advice. Every transaction has an associated GST issue. We are experienced in these issues and can offer expert advice on the GST implications for your business. The GST-related services we offer include, but are not limited to:
  • Advice on registering for GST
  • Filing and adjusting GST returns
  • ATO audit assistance
Tax Planning & Strategies
No one likes paying more tax than they have to and our team of professionals pride themselves on ensuring our clients do not. Whether you be a simple individual taxpayer, or a large multi-national business, the team at RJC Evans & Co have the expertise to minimise your tax bill. The tax landscape is constantly changing. Thanks to our training and professional development regime, our team is kept abreast of any and all tax saving opportunities available to our wide range of clients. You can look to RJC Evans & Co for advice of any of the following strategies and more:
  • Family Trusts
  • Investment Companies
  • Negative Gearing
  • Salary Sacrificing
  • Small Business CGT Concessions
  • Superannuation
  • Tax Offsets and Rebates
Strategic Planning ▼
Succession Planning
To ensure the long-term success of your business, it is critical to establish a well-designed succession plan. Coordinating the transition of your business to your successors can be an arduous process. However with our years of experience, we can address the complex issues of business continuation, removing the stress from your shoulders.

Contact us for more information on forming a plan that facilitates a hassle-free continuation of your business!
Estate Planning
As unpleasant as the task is, estate planning is one of the necessities of life. Knowing your hard-earned assets will be dealt with in the manner you choose provides peace of mind.

For business owners, a plan for succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the process of providing for business continuity.

The executor and trustee of a will are required to perform a number of duties. At RJC Evans & Co we are experienced in estate planning and can guarantee no deviation from the succession plan for your assets.

The areas in estate administration that we can assist with include:
  • Meeting to discuss objectives for your estate
  • Confirming assets Valuations, inventories, and appraisals
  • Court approval for a grant of administration
  • Documentation involved in estate planning
  • Protecting the assets
  • Paying taxes and debts
  • Estate distribution
Asset Protection
Getting the right advice and structures in place can mean your hard earned business and personal assets are protected from unforeseen circumstances. With the increase in asset values and litigation, the correct advice has become more important than ever.

The team at RJC Evans & Co have the expertise to ensure you have the appropriate protection in place.

Rental Property
At RJC Evans & Co we have the expertise required to assist you in a variety of areas relating to residential and commercial property.

The services we offer include:
  • Advice on purchasing a property
  • Reviews of lease agreements
  • Advice on funding
  • Guidance in tax minimisation
  • Advice on ownership structure
  • Periodic reviews to ensure returns are maximised
The importance of forecasts in making a residential investment cannot be emphasised enough. We can provide you with forecasts for:
  • Revenue returns
  • Financial position
  • Potential growth
Contact us today for more information on how we can assist you in
A trust provides a valuable way to protect the assets you have accumulated for the benefit of others. Our extensive experience with trusts enables us to offer specialist advice on trust formation and ensures all statutory requirements are met. Obligations for trustees can often be onerous, and our assistance in trust administration can prove invaluable. The services we offer include:
  • Preparing and executing the vital documentation required for trust formation
  • Attending to the special requirements involved in reporting for trusts
  • Completing the trust administration:
    • Minute-keeping service
    • Annual accounts
    • Taxation
    • Asset management
    • Investment monitoring
    • Income distribution
Contact us today to ensure your trust is formed and administered as effectively as possible, covering all legal requirements and guaranteed to fulfill its purpose!
Am I getting the best price for the sale of my business? Is the asking price too much? An independent valuation provides you with answers to the questions you often need to ask about the value of a business or property.

We are trained and experienced in business valuations and can provide you with simple guidelines and formulas to determine the value of your business or property. We can also appear in court or for arbitration as expert witnesses in relation to business valuations.

Choose RJC Evans & Co for a professional, accurate valuation service!
Charitable Trusts
Charitable trusts are set up to hold money or assets and carry out activities for the benefit of the community. Five main types of charitable trusts exist in Australia:
  • Australian charitable trust
  • General charitable trust
  • Prescribed charitable trust
  • Deductible gift recipient
  • Prescribed private fund
Each type of charitable trust brings with it different requirements and benefits. At RJC Evans & Co we know the practicalities of the charitable trusts and so are able to assist you by:
  • Preparing the trust deed
  • Applying to the ATO for an ABN
  • Organising tax exemptions where applicable
Most importantly, our experience enables us to ensure your trust is used to effectively reach your charitable goals.
Family Office Support
Growing families with growing wealth are often faced with growing complexity. At RJC Evans & Co we have years of experience assisting families manage, grow and pass on their wealth; all under one roof. We take the time to understand the dynamics of each family and its members, all of which have differing priorities and issues to consider. We appreciate trust, confidence and confidentiality is paramount in providing this support.

We have found that families will generally need to consider the following, of which our team is readily able to assist with:
  • Asset protection and risk management
  • Educating family members
  • Estate & succession planning
  • Mail and filing service
  • Managing banking and finance relationships
  • Philanthropy and charitable giving
  • RJC Evans & Co Financial Planning services:
    • Financial planning
    • Investment advice and management
    • Personal insurances
    • Retirement planning
  • Structuring and accounting for overseas investments
  • Tax advice (inc. income, capital gains, GST, stamp duty, superannuation death benefit)
Superannuation Services ▼
Superannuation Strategies
As the Government encourages Australians to take responsibility for and reach their financial retirement goals, citizens are repeatedly required to deal with superannuation funds. Self-managed superannuation is a means of saving for retirement. It enables you to control your investment strategy, reduce tax while obtaining tax benefits and control administration costs.

Superannuation law is a delicate area and personalised planning is required for each individual. The authorised representatives at RJC Evans & Co are superannuation experts who can assist in establishing a superannuation fund that will effectively enable you to reach your financial retirement goals.

The services we offer include:
  • Establishing Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
  • Completing information for the Insurance and Superannuation Commissions
  • Advice on taxation benefits
  • Advice on employer obligations
  • Advice on contribution and withdrawal strategies
  • Advice on superannuation estate/succession planning
  • Advice on limited recourse borrowing arrangements
  • Purchasing and structuring of investment purchases
Administration & Compliance
Managing and running a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund can be arduous task. Given the significant benefits with Self-Managed Superannuation there are strict regulations that must be abided by. The team at RJC Evans & Co can relieve this burden to ensure the fund complies whilst you concentrate on your retirement goals. The services we offer include:
  • Annual superannuation audit
  • Assistance with Investment Strategies and Trustee Resolutions
  • Facilitate rollovers
  • Monitoring for potential regulatory breaches
  • Preparation and lodgement of Annual Return
  • Preparation of Financial Accounts and Member Statements
  • Record keeping
  • SuperStream compliance
  • Transfer Balance Account Reporting
Self-Managed Superannuation Advice
Since the 1990s, we have been providing advice in relation to Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) to our clients as part of the suite of services available. Our commitment to help our clients grow their wealth, has been backed up by the extensive additional financial planning study and qualifications the principals of this firm have obtained along the way.

As a result of legislative changes effective 1st of July 2016, RJC Evans & Co Pty Ltd became authorised to provide personalised advice on Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) via our own ASIC Limited Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL number 482656). As we have our own licence, we are not part of or beholden to a large licensee.

We are one of the few accounting firms in Australia who have been granted such a licence, which enables us to continue provide personalised advice to self-directed investors, as well as those with external investment advisors/brokers, rather than simply attend to SMSF administration.

Financial Services Guide
CLICK HERE for our Financial Services Guide which covers the services provided by our firm under our Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 482656).